Monday, April 27, 2009

Creating an Active Form for the client application

1.Because the client application will be deployed as an ActiveX control, you must have a Web server that runs on the same system as the client application. You can use a ready-made server such as Microsoft’s Personal Web server or you can write your own using the socket components described in "Working with sockets.”

2.Create the client application following the steps described in "Creating the client application.” except start by choosing File|New|Active Form, rather than beginning the client project as an ordinary C++Builder project.

3.If your client application uses a data module, add a call to explicitly create the data module in the active form initialization.

4.When your client application is finished, compile the project, and select Project | Web Deployment Options. In the Web Deployment Options dialog, you must do the following:

-On the Project page, specify the Target directory, the URL for the target directory, and the HTML directory. Typically, the Target directory and the HTML directory will be the same as the projects directory for your Web Server. The target URL is typically the name of the server machine that is specified in the Windows Network|DNS settings.
-On the Additional Files page, include midas.dll with your client application.

5.Finally, select Project|WebDeploy to deploy the client application as an active form.

Any Web browser that can run Active forms can run your client application by specifying the .HTM file that was created when you deployed the client application. This .HTM file has the same name as your client application project, and appears in the directory specified as the Target directory.

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